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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Bad Choices: Repeat Performance

You would think I would learn not to do the things I know have negative repercussions.  At least, some of them. I don't mean bad habits -- those are hard to get out of (and deserve their own post).  I mean, doing something that seems like a good idea at the time, but that you have done in the past to ill-effect.

Like driving too fast through a known speed-trap.
Like not walking the dog in a timely manner.
Like not taking aspirin until it's too late.
Like not bringing flats to change into.
Like having eyes that are bigger than your stomach -- again!

Or, in my case, drinking coffee at 9 P.M., as I did last night.  It seemed like a good idea at the time (doesn't it always?).  I wanted to be alert and productive...and to some extent I was.  When I resolved to turn in at 11:30, I told myself, see, the coffee was a good idea!  Except that I lay in bed, wide awake, rip-roaring, ready to go, until after 3:30 A.M.  Fortunately, I had a good convoy of conversation, through my wakefulness, but now, after less than 4 hours of sleep, I am marveling at my poor choice.  It's not as if I've never done the same thing before.  Truth be told, I have no doubt I will make it again, soon enough.

PS: Feel free to add to the list.


  1. I wish caffeine kept me awake (and did it's job). It's more of a psychological/ceremonial thing to me at this point.

  2. Sometimes it happens to me without caffeine - just reading, or whatever I've chosen to do at a time that's really too late to start. It seems that sometimes a 48-hour cycle is more natural than a 24.
