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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

...or what's a heaven for?
If I could buy this print, I would, but so far it's only available at the above URL.


  1. i know the title continues a quote from robert browning's "andrea del sarto," but if i look at the title & pic with no reference to the poem, i would assume 2 things almost simultaneously:
    1) "heaven" represents the savior/saving of...
    2) "heaven" represents hope - which is basically the same. and in that, they say to me: esa'ayin yavo ezri.
    3) a third reading, coming off of the poem:
    what's the point of having a reach to begin with if you never get to the not-grasping leaves you like the girl in the picture? if there is nothing to reach for, there is no point to anything...i just am never reaching for heaven...

  2. i should also say...

    what i like about the pic is that as despondently fallen as she is, she is in the perfect stance to take flight as soon as re-animated/motivated--
    you can see exactly how she will rise
