Well, I haven't been. Or rather, I've been keeping a different pace. Not sure it's slower - recent days have been hectic, and the long list of things that aren't getting done is getting longer, no matter how many things can be crossed off it each day.
Fundamentally, this is good. But bad for "Choices," the blog.
This is the first month since I began that I am writing on the last day of the month - and for the sake of making sure that no month passes with no post at all.
It's the challenge of receiving a letter (remember those?) or an email of real import that demands undivided attention and careful wording to ensure a respectful, considerate, caring response. Sometimes, those messages sit unanswered until the time to write back "properly" is more opportune.
There is much to blog about. Decisions, consequences, "choice theory," and more on how we make our choices. Some pitfalls, some whoppers, some rosy-colored hopes, and still a pervading sense that things are not quite as they should be. In some ways, it's exciting that that long list of things to do precluded attention to this writing. In other ways, it makes me wonder at my priorities after all. Namely, if my priority is this writing (and other writing as well), then why am I not actually doing it? Where's the productivity? - Even if that means virtual crumpled papers surrounding the no-longer-typewriter, and not the New York Times Best Seller list..
This month, the productivity has been elsewhere. Not in the creative efforts of my typing fingers here anyway, that much is clear.
To be straight with myself and with you - I'm not actually beating myself up over this. I regret that more time, effort, attention was not designated "blog time/effort/attention," but in shifting priorities, I'm glad about the things I was busy with instead.
Maybe some of those decisions will even make an appearance next month...August and Elul both always being a time of renewal and resolution for me.