Yesterday, was the first month of the Hebrew month of Elul, a day that heralds a nearly two-month period of introspection, reflection, repentance, and resolution.
This post is just a teaser, but I think I'll begin my repentance and resolution with the easiest option: ending my "blog vacation" (you didn't know there was one, did you?). June's experiment of writing every day worked well for me...and while every day might become tedious for the rest of you (oh, and also me), the "frequent" approach seems to be more effective (in terms of production) than awaiting masterpieces of elocution that I have in my mind, but don't have time to create.
One day at a time...that may be the motto for the season...(and perhaps for the next 7 1/2 years, but more on that later).
Glad to be back.