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Friday, July 27, 2012

Less at Once: Some Things Clear

Wanna know?
Here are some "answers":

The smaller size shoes. The clerk may be right that they are the "wrong" size for me, but they are far more comfortable on my feet than the size she maintains is right, so too bad for her.

How about "no activity" instead?  Rather, something that hadn't been on the original list of options. Those things probably still need to be completed, but the evening is gone and I'm well engrossed in the many more since (and the ones that will follow from this moment too).

Maybe buy...but at the moment, "rent" won. Not actually because I made a decision, but because the owner decided to go with someone else whom he thought would close within two days (rightly or wrongly, it would have taken me longer). So I'm remembering the Fourth Cardinal Rule of Real Estate (after "location, location, and location"): there is always another property. No, it won't be "as good," but it will also be better. Or that guy won't have pulled his act together in two days either, and I'll be able to offer less than previously for a "quick sale" (ha!).

"This flight" - with family, to family, by family. Lots and lots of family. But we're a fairly small extended family and I live far away, so to be able to see so many so many times within so few days is a treat.

Outside exercise. Hot, yes. But at least there's air.

And, of course, sleeping won.

So I'm off to tackle some academic work this very minute, in the hope of bringing the "long term" to bear on the short term.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Lot at Once

So many decisions...(you've heard this from me before, and they're not even the same decisions as my previous ones...or not most of them anyway).

This size or that size (in a pair of shoes)...
This activity or that activity (in an evening's few hours)...
To continuing renting or to buy (in real estate)...that's a big one.
This flight or that flight (in traveling to see family)...that one's not fully up to me, though.
Outside or inside (in exercise, in Jerusalem heat)...
Sleeping or pushing myself (to finish academic work)...there's no question which of these two needs to happen, and just as little question of what has been happening too much of late. Yes, my expedient choice of the moment, but the long term is paying for my short-term zzzzzz's.

I've been spending so much time DECIDING (well, deliberating, I suppose), that I am less inclined to chose to write about it. But the June experiment turned out well - blogging (nearly) every day was officially good for me. So even though, somehow, July suggested a break from that, I can envision an August that will let me return to the June-swing-of-things. When some of these decisions will have been concluded despite myself.